Growing up in the South of France I was always fascinated by nature. I would spend hours in the nearby countryside searching for birds. I was given my first pair of binoculars at age 8. By age 12 I had purchased my first spotting scope, shortly after I attached a compact camera and discovered photography – I was hooked.

I went on to study color science and cinematography, gaining a strong technical background in natural history film making. By Combining a technical skill set with a life long passion I have become extremely efficient in tracking, observing and recording rare wildlife and have been fortunate enough to work on a string of major natural history productions around the world.

Along side nature documentaries I work as a freelance cinematographer, tour leader and guide. I recently completed the grand loop of Australia and recorded more than 600 bird species. I’ve also travelled and recorded wildlife extensively throughout Southeast Asia, Pacific, Africa and Europe. I am an enthusiastic eBirder and believe it is one of the most powerful tools we have for the conservation and study of birds.





Sing Out

If you would like to get in touch over a potential project tour or collaboration drop me an email, give me a call or fly by one of my social media accounts |